7 Questions with Coach Koehler

by: Aaron Montgomery, Athletic Department
A Preseason Look

The 2023 Mullen Boy’s Golf season is underway, and head coach Jerry Koehler says it’s  shaping up to be a great fall in a highly competitive Centennial League. I asked Coach Koehler  for his thoughts on the season:
AM: What are your expectations for the upcoming season? 

JK: “Competition this year in the Centennial League is at an all-time high for boy’s golf. At least  six of the eight teams could win the CL title and as many as 15 players could take the individual  title, Mullen included in both. Needless to say, we will need to be on point for every event this  season. For the past 15 seasons, we have either won or placed second in our region and qualified  for the state championship, and I feel very strong we will repeat that again this season.” 

AM: Is there anything to build from last season? 

JK: “Last season was very successful with multiple wins by the team and individuals and  qualifying for the state championship so that will help this season. Also, we have several players  who are year-round players as well.” 

AM: Can you highlight any returning players who will play a big role this season? 

JK: “We have tremendous experience to build off from the last couple of seasons with three senior  players - Ryan Brady, Jack Newton & Brody Meade returning. Ben Medina is a junior. JM  Sedbrook, a sophomore, is also returning and has varsity experience as well.” 

AM: Is there a game/match this upcoming season that is significantly important to your  team? A rivalry or game that is circled and everyone is looking forward to? 

JK: “Every Centennial League meet is a rivalry as many of our players have competed against  other CL players at the junior golf level and up into high school golf as well as some of the elite  tournaments for golfers around the state of Colorado.” 

AM: What strengths do you believe your team has that will set you all apart from other  teams in the league? 

JK: “Experience, wisdom, ambition, love of the game and trying to do the best that they possibly  can each and every day, every practice and every event.” 

AM: Are there memorable moments from the last season or in your experience as a whole  that shape your coaching philosophy?

JK: “I have many moments from past seasons, but I think that all these young men want to  perform their best and represent Mullen High School to the best of their abilities in every way. If  you ever have a chance to meet some of our players, you will know exactly what I mean”. 

AM: Finally, which of the five Lasallian principles speaks to you and how you coach the  most? 

JK: “I think respect for all persons really speaks to who we as a team are and without a doubt how  they are coached every single day!” 

The Mustangs are off to a strong start, and given their track record, it looks like Season 16 will  add to their golf legacy.